Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's time to design! up first Concept Sketches.

 Good morning my creative people. Now that you have a better understanding of what landscape architecture is, then it's time to learn about the design process. I love the design process, but first you have to make sure you satisfy all your clients needs and wants. First things first.. a meeting with the client on site. This will allow you to look over the project scope and see if your professional expertise can be useful. Once, you understand the scope of the project and the budget is agreed upon then comes the really fun part..concept sketches. Whoohooo!! let your creativity show. Now, some of you are probably wondering what is a concept sketch? Great question...A concept sketch is ideas that are drawn out very loosely. These ideas will turn into an actually detailed design later in the process, but for now just use your imagination. Most landscape designers use trace paper, which is a translucent paper that enables designer to free hand sketch ideas or trace over ideas. You can use color pencils, markers and pens on this trace paper to get all your ideas out. Below I've included examples of bubble diagram concept sketch and other concept sketches. These aren't my personal concept sketches, but these are ideas from other unknown designers. Enjoy! 

Bubble diagram concept sketch
designer unknown

Concept sketch

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