Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Landscape Renderings (Part I)

Hey Everyone,

Today is a gorgeous, but nippy day in Atlanta. Even though it's cold and the official day of Spring has come and gone, I'm still glad the sun is out. During the fall season, I took a little time out of my schedule to focus on improving some of my rendering techniques. For those of you who aren't familiar with what a rendering is, let me define it according to Wikipedia.

Rendering: in visual art and technical drawing means the process of formulating, adding color, shading, and texturing of an image.

This is the one part of my career that I love the most. Not only do you have to be creative, but you can add color, shading and texture to a plan drawing to make it come to life. The way I like to do this is by using markers, color pencils and a touch of photoshop. I usually present these rendering to clients as a concept plan to give them an idea of what I'm thinking. Once the client let me know that they like the concept then we move forward into preliminary design. I will talk more about that on a different blog. Anyway, below are a couple of concept renderings for a couple clients. Enjoy...Until next time.

Courtyard Concept Rendering: Markers and Color Pencil

Plaza Concept Rendering: Markers, Color pencil and Photoshop on AutoCad Aerial photo.