Thursday, March 21, 2013

What is landscape Architecture?

Hmmmm.. what a great question. When I tell people that I'm a landscape architect, they look a little confused then they ask what is that? Or do I mow people, that's a landscaper. Well, let me explain. The simple definition would be.

land·scape ar·chi·tec·ture (noun): The art and practice of designing the outdoor environment.

If you still need a little bit more definition, then let me explain further.

"Landscape architecture is the profession which applies artistic and scientific principles to the research, planning, design and management of both natural and built environments. Practitioners of this profession apply creative and technical skills and scientific, cultural and political knowledge in the planned arrangement of natural and constructed elements on the land with a concern for the stewardship and conservation of natural, constructed and human resources. The resulting environments shall serve useful, aesthetic, safe and enjoyable purposes."

Bottom line, all the great outdoor spaces that you enjoy in your back yard (pool, deck, water features, garden, ponds, e.t.c), parks, golf courses, streetscapes, landscape around commercial buildings, residential buildings with all the pretty flowers and trees are being designed and created by a landscape architect or landscape designer. This type of profession has so creative and fantastic that it would take me days to explain. Being able to transform a space into an outdoor environment that allows people to enjoy and be happy is so satisfying to me. It's also satisfying to educate people on something that's different, interesting and forever changing. I can honestly say that I absolutely LOVE what I do!

                                          Centennial Park-Atlanta, GA
                                          Admiral Baker Golf Course-San Diego, CA
                                         Residential Design-Place not known
                                          Commercial Design-Place not known

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Look what's starting to bloom?!

Well, spring is in the air. Yes, it's chilly outside but in due time the pollen will be here. If you look around you will see the red peeking out from the other trees. Red Maples (Acer Rubrum) and Redbud trees (Cercis Chinensis) are in bloom. I can't wait for the 70 degree weather to get here so I can hang out at the pool, enjoy the cook outs / bbq's and the beautiful trees and flowers. If you aren't into spring because of allergies then start taking that medicine now because when March is officially here. Cheers to Spring time and face mask!

Red Maple Blooms

Redbud Blooms

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Welcome to the world of landscape design

Hello plant lovers. I'm excited that you have joined me and my creative side. I never thought I would be a blogger, but the more I learn about my profession as a landscape architect the more I want to share. The percentage of women of color in this profession is very slim. I'm very blessed to be in an "uncommon" profession and I can truly say I love it. This blog is to educate, inform, promote and spark your interest toward landscape design. It's way more interesting and creative than you may think. Feel free to contact me with any questions and/ or concerns. I will do my best to help you along our journey. Enjoy....